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Life & Letters of John T. Smith (Civil War Timeline)

These letters were written to and by Dr. John T. Smith and documented by William G. Smith

Rosedale, December 24, 1861

Dear Pa,

You will doubtless be surprised to hear that one of the Kanawha Rangers has died in our house since you left. They were in a drunken frolic, Dr. Thornton was in the pulpit pretending to preach, while there he was shot through both legs, wishing you to be his surgeon, he made them bring him here immediately believing you were at home. He was brought here Tuesday, the day you went to Abingdon and died Friday evening. He requested Mother to let him be buried on the farm. We found him an intelligent, refined gentleman, much liked by all the company who said he was a perfect gentleman when sober. He was from Kanawha County, was once wealthy, but had spent his property drinking, etc.

Dr. Atkinson has been here with us ever since we came from Abingdon, left this morning for Tazewell and said he would return tomorrow. The calvary in this county has been ordered to Bowling Green, KY, and will leave in a few days. We have formed the acquaintance of many of the soldiers stationed at the church (now Elk Garden Methodist), and find them very polite, intelligent gentlemen. We are all well and send much love to you. We will expect a letter from you tomorrow.

Your affectionate son,

John Henry A. Smith

The final resting place of the Kanawha Ranger as it looks today

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